Solar Energy
The Home Owners Guide To Types Of Solar Panels

Knowing which solar panel system to choose can be overwhelming. There are various types of solar panels, each with their own unique features and benefits, so it’s no surprise that many British homeowners are unsure where to start. Our advice is: Don’t Panic!

Purelec Energy is here to guide you through the different types of solar panels available, helping you make an informed choice for your home.

What Is A Solar Panel?

The Encyclopaedia Britannica describes a solar panel as: a component of a photovoltaic system that is made out of a series of photovoltaic cells arranged to generate electricity using sunlight.

Whilst this is factually accurate, it doesn’t make much sense on its own, and tells the reader little about the incredible benefits of solar panels, and the different types that exist. Therefore, the team at Purelec energy created The Homeowner’s Guide To Solar Panels, which you can read below.

The Different Types Of Solar Panels

Breedon Generon Solar Roof Tiles Installed On A Home In Bradford

On-Roof Solar Panels: The Popular Standard

Installing Solar Panels on a Slate Roof in Wakefield
Solar Panels Being Installed On A House In Yorkshire - used to illustrate the question: Are Solar Panels Worth Installing In The UK?

Choosing Your Solar Panel System

Once you’ve decided on the type of solar panel that suits your energy needs and your home’s aesthetics, the next step is to consider how it will be integrated into your home’s energy system. You can opt for a grid-tied system, which is connected to the national power grid and allows for the export of excess energy. Alternatively, a hybrid system with battery storage lets you store surplus energy for later use, providing greater energy independence and potential cost savings.

Each option requires a different setup, with hybrid systems needing additional investment in battery storage. While this may increase initial costs, the long-term benefits in terms of energy savings and self-sufficiency are significant.

Get A Free Online Solar Survey

At Purelec Energy, we understand that transitioning to solar energy is a big step. Our team is dedicated to providing expert advice and installation services to help you choose the best solar panel system for your home.

Fill out the contact form or call our team on 01924 840 198